Happy Easter Sunday 2023: Easter is one of the important festivals of Christianity. Easter Sunday is celebrated in the joy of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This festival is the second significant festival of Christianity after Christmas. With this Blog, know who was He who came out of the tomb after Jesus was crucified along with knowing about the Messenger of God prophesied in the Bible to salvage the whole humanity after Jesus had gone. You’ll also know the real significance, history, and facts of Easter Sunday and the 2023 date for Easter Sunday.
When Is Happy Easter Sunday 2023?
According to the beliefs of Christianity, on the third day of Good Friday, i.e. Sunday, Christ was resurrected. That day is celebrated as Easter Sunday or Easter Day. This year, in 2023, Good Friday is on 2nd April so Easter Day 2023 is on 9th April.
This day is celebrated as a symbol of the new life by the people of Christianity. On this festival, some devotees pray in the church and some devotees read the religious book Bible. Christians believe that by coloring the eggs and breaking them symbolizes new life.
Happy Easter Sunday History: Why Do We Celebrate Easter Sunday?
The story of Jesus Christ resurrecting on Easter Sunday: According to Christianity, on Friday, the Lord Jesus was crucified because he worked for the welfare of all the people and he used to tell everyone the path of truth. He used to show the way to attain God. Due to which, many people, influenced by his knowledge, started considering him as an incarnation of God and started living on the basis of his teachings. Seeing this, some people started to envy him.

Those jealous people did not consider Jesus as the angel of God and complained to the Roman army and tortured him and got him crucified and he left his body for “the sake of human welfare.” Jesus Christ, while being crucified, was saying that— “God, forgive these people; these poor people do not know what they are doing.” And, that day is celebrated as Good Friday. Three days after Jesus’ death, his followers were surprised at not finding his body in the coffin. He had left the tomb and appeared first to Mary Magdalene, then to Mary, his mother, and then, to his followers. The voice of an angel came from the coffin that Jesus had gone to God.
Also Read: Easter Sunday: Date, Significance, History, Facts, Easter Egg
In view of this story of resurrection, people of Christianity began calling this day Easter Day or Easter Sunday. But, there is no proof of celebrating it in the Holy book Bible.
Happy Easter Sunday 2023 Facts: Was It Jesus Who Came Out of the Tomb?
He was not Jesus. He was the Supreme God Kabir Saheb Ji who came out of that tomb and appeared to all those followers as Jesus. In this, we should not be rude, but be thoughtful. After such a painful death of Jesus, the faith of his followers and other people would have been lost in God, had God Kabir not performed that divine act of resurrection. People would have thought that Jesus was so loyal to God and still died so painfully because of this the Almighty Supreme God Kabir appeared as Jesus after Jesus was crucified.
The Existence of God According to the Bible
The Holy Book of Christianity is composed of three books Torah, Injil, and Zabur. The followers of Moses are called Jews. The followers of Jesus are called Christians. And, the followers of Mohammed are called Muslims. The knowledge of the Quran Sharif corresponds to the knowledge of the Bible to a great extent.
In general, if we look at the knowledge in the Holy Bible, the Christians are doing the opposite, like: –
Christianity Believes God Is Formless
But, Genesis 1:26 and 1:27 proves that God has made humans in His own image.
This proves that God is not formless but is real and looks like a human being.
Jesus Is God or Not?
Christians consider Jesus as God. But Kaal Brahma sent Jesus from Vishnu Loka. He was a pious soul with some supernatural powers. The proof of this is in the chapter Mohammad Bodh, Jabrut of Kabir Sagar, Mokam 3. Kabir God says: –
Eesa paigambar padhee kitaab| Usaka naam ingil kitaaba||
Salaamalek tanh ham keena| Dasta bos unahoon uthee leena||
Tahava baithe vishambhar raay| Vahee peer to vahee haal||
Yah vishnupuree hai bhaee| Yaame bhee ek baikunth samai||
Vishnu ne ye ka pradhaana| Sunakar mohammad gyaanee vigyaana||
All these Vanis prove that Jesus was not God but a pious soul who had some spiritual powers.
Happy Easter Sunday 2023: Easter Egg
During the Easter Day celebration, people break eggs, called Easter Eggs, as a symbol to the new life/resurrection of Jesus. That’s a sin. You end the life of the living being about to be born. That’s equivalent to killing, which is against the Ten Commandments of God. Neither is eating them or eating any type of meat is valid — that’s favoring killing them.
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It is a matter of consideration that on one hand we say that all the creatures on earth are children of God, then can God order His children to eat each other’s meat?
Because Christians are eating meat today. But, in the bible, the animals, birds, and humans, all have been ordered to eat vegetarian food only. The proof of which is in Genesis 1:26 – 1:30 in the Holy
Devil’s Command in Bible
There is some adulteration in the Holy Bible, which is not the order of God, but the orders of the devil spoken by entering into the body of Jesus. The proof of which is in 2 Corinthian 2:12-17 of the Bible.
Because the Genesis in the Bible describes that God created nature in 6 days and rested on His throne on the seventh day. After which Satan took hold of it. He sent spirits who entered into the body of Jesus and other Prophets and ordered eating meat. It is a matter of consideration that in the Bible, there cannot be a two-sided order of God. Because God has stated His constitution in Genesis verse 1:29 and 1:30 and the knowledge which is contrary to this is not the command of God but of the Devil. So, that is not acceptable to us.
Happy Easter Day 2023 Quotes
- Have a wonderful holiday filled with happiness, love, and faith. Happy Easter to you and your family!
- May God shower you with blessings, love, and peace. …
- Sending you lots of love and blessings. …
- Wishing you and your family an Easter full of blessings. …
- May the day bring you peace and joy.
Doctrine of the Bible
In the Bible, there is no evidence of celebrating Easter Sunday. All the people of the Christian community are doing the opposite to what is certified by God in the Bible.
The day Jesus was crucified and we consider that day as “Good” Friday. And, then, we celebrate Easter Sunday as his resurrection.
On one hand, Christians believe that God is formless. While, it is certified in the Bible that God has made all human beings like Himself, so how did He become formless? God never supports killing animals and eating meat, yet many people following Christianity eat meat.
These are some of the truths which the people of Christianity did not understand till date. But today there is one (and only) Saint in the world who explains all these truths in detail on the basis of all the Holy texts. Let us know about Him in a little while.
Full-Fledged God According to Bible
The Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB) Iyov 36:5 shows that God is not Jesus but Kabir Sahib Ji. He despises none and is firm in His purpose. Similarly, Holy Quran states Allah is Kabir, Holy Gita and Holy Vedas state God is Kabir, and Holy Guru Granth Sahib states God is Kabir.
All the Holy Books of all the Holy Religions sing the Glory of God Kabir only. There is only one saint in the world who gives His correct information on the basis of the Holy Books. Who is that? Let’s know.
Who Is That Great Saint?
There is only Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj in the world who imparts spiritual knowledge on the basis of the scriptures of all the religions. He is the one who reveals the secrets hidden in the Holy Bible through His Satsangs. He sees all religions equal. He gives the true worship of God Kabir and tells the actual path of salvation to humans.
He brought the real spiritual knowledge through His Books to the people. He gave information about the basic purpose of human life by providing worship according to the Holy Scriptures. He is the only saint in the world who has attained God.
The Holy Bible prophecies that after Jesus God will send His Messenger. Entire world will take His Shelter and attain Salvation. That Saint is none other than Satguru Rampal Ji Maharaj. Saint Rampal Ji only is prophesied to reform and salvage the entire humanity. To know more, read the Sacred Book “Gyan Ganga.”
Content Credit: SA News Channel